ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 8. septembris

Izlaistie divi treniņi

Tātad, saudzējot celi, neskrēju otrdien 6km un neskriešu šodien 5km. Svētdien paredzēti 12km. Izlēmu, ka svētdien skriešu līdz punktam, kas pienāks pirmais - 12km vai sāpošs celis. Cerams, ka tie būs 12km. Vakar man fizioterapeits noteipoja celi. Varbūt tas palīdzēs. Vismaz varētu placebo efektu dabūt :)

2 komentāri:

  1. Lūk pāris iedvesmas tekstiņi kas mani uzmundrina :)
    Before you run a half-marathon, you never really learn to curse.

    Friends Don’t Let Friends Run in Marathons!!

    In my mind, I’m a Kenyan (šis man šobrīd baigi aizķēries)

    This sounded like a good idea three months ago.

    Running is a mental sport and we’re all insane.

    I was not talented enough to run and smile at the same time.

    Sweating - that’s when muscles cry.

    So I run like a girl… try to keep up.

    Pain is your friend. It tells you that you’re still alive!

    I usually run faster.

    I may be slow but I am ahead of you.

    A half-marathon is just a 6Km with a 15 km warm-up.

    If you can read this I’m at least not last.

    I thought you said this was 2.1km not 21km..

    Im slow..I know..get over it !!!
    This is my back, get used to it!

    Pain is weakness leaving the body.
    /Tom Sobal/

    The long run is what puts the tiger in the cat.
    /Bill Squires/

    If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon.
    /Emil Zatopek/

    Run like you stole something.
    /Daniel Farrow/

    We're not crazy you're just lazy!
    /Dodge Point Cross Country 2004/

    Don't ask me why I run. Ask yourself why you don't.

    People ask me why I run so fast, I say what do you do when you hear a gun?

    We're the fast girls your mom warned you about.

    Curro Ergo Sum
    (I run, therefore I am)

    I would rather compete slow than watch at any speed.

  2. super! daži tiešām sasmīdināja :) tagad jāizvēlas, kādu uz krekliņa uzlikt :)
